Sunday, 27 January 2013


The Lily Bug - accustomed to Auckland beaches with long stretches of sand and rock pools at low tide, Waitara's shoreline laden with smooth round stones, driftwood and the odd sun-bleached or cooking-fire charred animal bone, initially worried her. Soon enough, she had discovered a beach stone's purpose in life is to be stacked. Stacked and stacked and stacked.

The Teen - would you believe it? I caught a photo of her. Admittedly, this whole walking-along-the-tracks-hand-in-hand-with-beloved was ever so slightly set up...

Guy Smiley - devastated because he's too little to keep up in a friendly game of ball. Don't worry little peanut, it won't be too long before they'll be chasing you around the field.

Furiously backdating to join in on the Portrait a Week project at...

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Sunday, 20 January 2013


I love Guy Smiley's lovely soft expression as a friend paints his face. Batman. And once the make up is on, he totally believes it.

The Lily Bug demonstrates her handstands on the trampoline. She's so proud of herself, and refuses to let me back inside even though dusk is well rolling towards bedtime and I'm swatting mosquitos as I stand at the entrance of the tramp, click click clicking...

Furiously backdating to join in on the Portrait a Week project at...

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Sunday, 13 January 2013


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Best friends, and not afraid to be seen frollocking through the wilderness (aka overgrown lawn) in fairy wings.

Furiously backdating to join in on the Portrait a Week project at...

Sunday, 6 January 2013


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

New Years Day 2013 and the Lily Bug and Guy Smiley are trying out their skateboards on Nan's driveway. Just as I used to, once upon a time... :)

Furiously backdating to join in on the Portrait a Week project at...

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

New Years Day 2012

When the Teen was little, we would sometimes sit outside blowing wish bubbles. Sometimes we'd make a wish for ourselves within the bubbles, sometimes we'd wish on behalf of our friends, and sometimes we'd really push bubble magic by wishing for the world as a whole. 

Fast forward to New Years Day 2012. All the elements came together this day. The Lad managed to swing the day off work, the weather was postcard perfect, Cheltenham beach was - surprisingly - not tooo packed, and the bubbles were flowing.... 

The Lily Bug revealed her wish to me as she stood at the water's edge.

To blow a really big bubble.  

And shortly after - she did. 

The girl is now a believer in the power of bubble magic. ;)

End note: This is a post dated entry. It's currently 3rd March 2013 as I write this and being that I've been completely slack about blogging this year, I figure I'll make up for lost time by uploading some of my fav pics from Jan & Feb with 'a few' accompanying sentences...