Tuesday, 5 June 2012

He's leeeeaving, on a jet plane!

So as of 9pm last night, The Lad has been on an LA-bound plane (possibly riddled with snakes) to attend E3. Which is... some gaming convention thing, idk? He won the trip after building a crashed plane display in his store to promote the release of Unchartered 3. 

Anyway... a couple of folk on Facebook land have asked for photos of the display, and as the memory card thingie with the pics is currently freezing every time I stick it in the computer (I've put it in front of the heater to see if that helps) I've drawn this nifty picture to represent his fine build. Behold...

One of his co-workers claimed on Facebook that he had seen the original, and this picture of mine looked kinda close. Poor lad. He deserves better recognition than that. Here's the original...