If you had been in our crazy house on Sunday afternoon and seen the kids smear green paint all over their bods then run it through the kitchen (... the hallway... the bathroom... the don'teventhinkofgoinginthatlounge!!) you would never have guessed Guy Smiley had been in hospital with breathing difficulties during the wee hours of the previous night.
But, despite being awake from 1-4am, and then up for the day from 6am - which we can probably thank a 1am dose of Redipred for - our little dude was a box of birds through most of the day. The kids got it in their heads to do some painting. Of course, they weren't talking about painting on paper. When do they ever actually paint on paper in this house?
It was at around 5.30pm that Guy Smiley (in the guise of Hulk) made his way to the computer and became very very very quiet.
Turns out, even superheros have to sleep.
The Lily Bug - As usual, she was the instigator of the madness. As usual, she kept the household upbeat, made her little brother laugh and kept the ball rolling. The messy goopy paint ball, that is. Sure, the kitchen floor may keep that green tint forever and ever, but it was all worth it.
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."